Taking collaborative action for Ukraine’s resilience
A global network of philanthropic organizations united in their commitment to supporting Ukraine. Through strategic collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy, members strengthen their collective impact in addressing Ukraine’s immediate needs and contributing to its long-term recovery.
Foundations for Ukraine (F4U) is a collaborative network uniting philanthropic organizations globally. With a horizontal structure that values every member’s voice, F4U fosters innovative partnerships, blending funding with expertise, skills, and resources for Ukraine's recovery.
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Join the Network
Are you a philanthropic organization interested in supporting Ukraine? Whether you’re dedicated to the cause or exploring ways to contribute, join our collaborative network. Together, we amplify our efforts, share insights, and build meaningful partnerships to support Ukraine’s needs and recovery.
Why become a member?
- Become a better partner for organizations in Ukraine:
Learn from successes and failures of your professional peers, sharpen your understanding of the evolving context in Ukraine, find out more about the landscape of partner organizations in Ukraine. - Make your funds more impactful:
Understand better who else supports Ukraine in your focus areas and synchronize efforts. Use the network to team up in advocating for the importance of philanthropic actions in Ukraine. - Explore and develop new approaches towards your mission in Ukraine:
Find partners in and outside of the network with whom you can test new forms of support.. - Be part of a network that comes with ease:
The network is there for you and for Ukraine, not to sustain network models that look fancy but can be exhausting. Come with intention and ambition, benefit from a light governance structure, join, co-create or simply follow.
How to become a member
If you would like to join our efforts:
- Simply submit an expression of interest via email to monica.stryker@iac-berlin.org, including a brief description of your organization’s capacity to support Ukraine.
- Feel free to mention any F4U members you are connected with.
- Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Circle, a group of existing members who will be happy to invite you for a short conversation to explore your interest and see how we can ensure that this network brings value and not extra work for your specific context.
- There are no membership fees. We rely on your contributions through expertise, resources, and skills, ensuring a commitment beyond funding.
Let us know If you’d like to explore the network further before applying – we’re always happy to arrange a call.
This process is designed to be simple and collaborative—we will refine it based on members’ feedback throughout the next year.
We invite philanthropic and grantmaking organisations committed to or interest in supporting Ukraine that:
- Have independent funding capacity and control over grants.
- Are legally constituted in their country of origin.
- Operate with transparency and accountability for the public good.
*The membership is not open to organizations affiliated with Russian or Belarusian state interests, sanctions-listed entities, or those primarily focused on Russia or Belarus.
Apply to join
What does it mean to be a member?
F4U is a decentralized, principles -led network structured into small working groups (“circles”), allowing members to:
- take an active role in shaping priorities and decision-making
- collaborate across focus areas while maintaining autonomy
- move quickly on urgent needs with agile, task-focused teams
- contribute expertise, resources, and strategic insights rather than financial dues
Initial circles:
- Communications:
Driving F4U’s outreach and visibility
- Membership:
Engaging new members and fostering connections
The International Alumni Center (iac Berlin) facilitates coordination, ensuring alignment and transparency. The model is adaptive and will evolve based on members’ needs.
Join us in shaping a more strategic, effective, and lasting support for Ukraine.
Are you looking for more ways to engage? Explore this section for insights and opportunities to connect through events, articles, and research dedicated to the work of our network members supporting Ukraine.
Events, articles and research:
Stay connected
Subscribe for updates, explore collaboration opportunities, and keep informed about our latest initiatives. Let’s see what we can do together that we can’t do alone.